Jesse Billauer is a well-known surfer from Pacific Palisades, California. Jesse suffered an accident at the age of 17 in 1996, hitting his head on a shallow sandbar after being knocked off his surfboard by a wave. The force broke his neck, severing his spinal cord at the C6 level and instantly rendered him a quadriplegic. Just three years later, Jesse designed a surf board equipped with a bar to hold on to, allowing paralyzed individuals like him to get back to surfing. He took his passion one step further starting the life Rolls On Foundation, an organization dedicated to introducing wheelchair users to skating and surfing.
WATCH THE VIDEO! Jesse explains how the Ford MXV has changed his life. You will feel his excitement.
Jesse Billauer was never interested in owning a wheelchair accessible vehicle because he cared too much about style to settle for a minivan until he was introduced to the BraunAbility MXV. When the BraunAbility MXV came along, he quickly changed his mind about accessible vehicles. He drives an MXV equipped with a B&D 6-way transfer seat, a push-button gear shifter and dealer – equipped hand controls, allowing him to transfer from his chair and drive. Now the Life Rolls On founder drives completely independently without sacrificing space or style. SEE MORE DETAILS