When you purchase any kind of vehicle, it’s important to make sure that you have good warranty protection, which can also be called an extended service contract. At Bussani Mobility, we believe this is especially true for accessible vehicles. Here’s what you should know when you’re looking for accessible vehicle warranties.

1. What Does a Warranty Do?

Warranties protect you from unexpected expenses if your vehicle needs replacement parts or other major repairs. There are different levels of coverage available. It’s easy to purchase a warranty through your mobility dealer, and they’ll make sure that you get the best warranty to meet your needs.

2. Do I Need More Than a Standard Warranty?

The standard warranties cover the vehicle but usually not the mobility components of the vehicle. We typically recommend that you consider purchasing a mobility warranty.

3. What Do Mobility Warranties Cover?

This type of vehicle service contract is a good idea for a wheelchair van because it covers the original vehicle equipment as well as all of the mobility components. It will also help you with roadside assistance and rental vehicles while your vehicle is being repaired to make sure you get back on the road as soon as possible.

Although some of these options are also offered by some OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) warranties, they don’t include the mobility conversion. With a standard warranty, for instance, the rental coverage of a standard warranty typically won’t cover an accessible vehicle rental.

As is the case with standard warranties, mobility warranties have limits, generally three years and 36,000 miles.

4. Why Should I Get a Mobility Dealer Warranty?

One benefit of a mobility warranty is the peace of mind. Knowing that your conversion vehicle’s most important components are covered by your warranty is reassuring.

By having one in place that helps cover repair work, replacement parts, and the cost of labor, you won’t have to worry about having to pay bills for unforeseen repairs all on your own.

Mobility warranties are also relatively easy to finance, as most of them can be paid through a payment plan.

5. Which Vehicles are Eligible?

Most manufacturers offer warranties on new models. Generally speaking, manufacturers consider a vehicle to be new if it has less than 50,000 miles and it is less than four years old. Before purchasing a warranty, always check the accompanying terms and conditions.

6. Do Warranties Expire?

Yes, the warranty on your conversion vehicle will expire. There is usually a limit on vehicle age or number of miles that dictates when a warranty expires. For instance, you may add a warranty that covers 10 years or 100,000 miles, whichever comes first.

Be aware that you can buy a mobility warranty at the end of the standard OEM warranty, but the price will be higher as the vehicle gets older and closer to the factory warranty expiration date.

7. What to Do When a Warranty Expires

If your vehicle warranty expires, you still have other options. Since an accessible vehicle has many moving parts and added components, it is a good idea to invest in an extended warranty.

A mobility specialist at Bussani Mobility will happily provide additional information on warranties, to help you decide what’s best for you and your vehicle. Feel free to contact our team for answers to all of your accessible vehicle questions.