Emergencies can occur at any time, and there is nothing worse than being unprepared in a time of need. Put yourself in a better position now by creating an emergency vehicle kit for your accessible vehicle. Be sure to include these essentials in case of an emergency.


If you experience an emergency at night or on a stormy day, you’ll want ample light to guide you through the situation. You can use a flashlight to flag down passing vehicles or locate important materials like a map or spare tire.

Toolbox or Multi-Tool

Be sure to include scissors, a screwdriver, pliers, and a wrench. Consider investing in a multi-tool, which will allow you to have access to multiple tools within the one small device.

First Aid Kit

Make sure your first aid kit has bandages, gauze, antibiotic cream, and any essential prescriptions.

Vehicle Escape Tool

Place a vehicle escape hammer and a box cutter (to cut the seat belt) within arm’s reach of your transfer seat or wheelchair.

Bottled Water and Snacks

When you’re stuck in an emergency for an undetermined amount of time, it is essential to stay hydrated, so keep a 12-pack of water in your vehicle, just in case. And a few protein bars to munch on as needed.

Jumper Cables

Always keep a pair of jumper cables in your vehicle. Consider purchasing a jump starter box, which will allow you to jump your vehicle’s battery if there are no other vehicles nearby.

Cold-Weather Gear

If you live in a region where it snows, you’ll want to keep extra blankets, jackets, and gloves on hand to avoid potential hypothermia. Hand warmers are also a great option for your emergency kit.

Carjack, Lug Wrench, and Spare Tire

Keep the needed tools on hand with instructions for changing a tire. If you’re not able to change it yourself, perhaps a passenger with you or a good samaritan who passes by can help out.

Compass and Map

You cannot always rely on technology to get instant directions. What if your vehicle stops running or your cell phone battery dies? You’ll need a physical, paper map to orient yourself and find help.

Keep these nine essential items in your accessible vehicle emergency kit so that you can be prepared and safe no matter what happens on the road. And remember that Bussani Mobility provides our customers with a 24/7 emergency service by calling 866-524-8267. Even if our auto shops are closed, we’ll get help to you when you need it out on the road. Travel safe!