It’s time to take your friends and family out to the ballgame! The Wheelchair Sports Federation and the NY Aviators will be playing at Bulova Park on Thursday, June 28 (5:30-8:30pm). Bring your glove because everyone will get a chance to play.
Bulova Park is on 25 Ave. bet. 76 St. and 77 St., East Elmhust, Queens. Parking is available behind the Bulova Building. Click HERE for directions. For more information, call Dan Tratt at 914-471-7874.
The Wheelchair Sports Federation is a national non-profit organization that provides opportunities for people with physical disabilities and wheelchair-bound adults and youth to play sports recreationally and competitively. Some adaptive sports (like Wheelchair Basketball) have been around since post-WWII, but others (like Wheelchair Football) are relatively new to the adaptive athletic population. The Wheelchair Sports Federation is one of the first organizations to provide adaptive athletes with the opportunity to participate in a variety of adaptive sports.
Thanks from Bussani Mobility Team to our friends at the Greater New York Chapter of the National Spinal Cord Injury Association for letting us know about the game. See you there…