Making the decision between purchasing a minivan or a full-sized van to meet your need for wheelchair accessible transportation comes down to a matter of personal choice. Each type of vehicle comes with its own benefits, but the decision ultimately should be based on your specific needs and wants. We’ve compiled a list of what each has to offer, to help make your decision easier.
Minivans are the most popular accessible vehicle option. They have an impeccable safety record that is hard to beat. Additionally, they have achieved a perfect NHTSA crash test record. Aside from the safety features they offer, minivans are also cost-efficient and get good gas mileage, which further increases your potential savings.
Although minivans are safe and more affordable, they do have one drawback. They have a smaller interior than a full-sized van, and so there is less space to move around inside and to store items. But remember that even minivan conversions these days have enough space for power wheelchairs.
Full-Sized Vans
Full-sized vans offer the space necessary to transport passengers with any type of wheelchair and still have plenty of extra space for ambulatory passengers. There is also ample room for wheelchair storage, accessories, luggage, and more.
Another big advantage of a full-sized van is that they can hold double post lifts, which are capable of lifting the largest, heaviest wheelchairs on the market.
Also, full-sized vans have an extra six inches of headroom inside, allowing for optimal comfort.
Some people can feel intimidated by driving a full-sized van because it is significantly larger than a minivan, and they may have a harder time maneuvering into small spaces. But, with a little practice, you get used to handling the vehicle.
Either type of wheelchair van is going to provide you with the freedom to be independent. At Bussani Mobility, we have a wide selection of both minivans and full-sized vans, and even SUVs, so that you can find the right one for your needs. We hope you’ll stop by any of our three locations to talk with one of our mobility specialists or check out our vehicles online.