Plain and simple, traditional vehicles were not designed for people who use wheelchairs or scooters. Fortunately, the invention of the wheelchair lift was a game changer in supporting a person’s mobility and independence.
Lifts allow for safe and easy boarding of a van. If used incorrectly, however, they can result in serious injury. Here are some tips on how to safely use your wheelchair or scooter lift.
1. Always Strap In
Wheelchair accessible vehicles come with a variety of straps, belts and tie-downs that keep the passenger in place and avoid sliding in the vehicle. It is extremely important that whoever is using the lift is sure all straps and seat belts are utilized and securely tightened. Straps that are on but not tightly secured can lead to unwanted and potentially dangerous movement and injury. Always secure each strap and put on the seatbelt.
2. Read the User’s Manual
Be sure to read all of the necessary safety manuals that come with your accessible vehicle. When you purchase or rent a wheelchair accessible vehicle, the manufacturer or dealer is required to include a manual that breaks down the step-by-step process for using the wheelchair lift safely. If you read it carefully and follow each step precisely, the transportation process from the road to the vehicle, and vice versa, should be seamless and safe.
3. Take Your Time
Always remember to take your time. Most instances where someone is injured on a wheelchair lift occur when the user is in a hurry and becomes careless. No matter the circumstances, slow down, take a deep breath, and board cautiously.
And Don’t Forget Maintenance
One more important thing to keep in mind: Your wheelchair lift needs regular servicing, as does the rest of your vehicle. The full-service auto shops at Bussani Mobility are open. The COVID-19 quarantines have been lifted and people in the New York Metro area are moving about their daily lives again, but we also offer you the option of our picking up and dropping off your vehicle for servicing – while you stay home and safe.
The Bussani Mobility team takes pride in helping people living with physical disabilities to find greater independence and quality of life. For more information about how we can help you or someone you know, visit our website.