Archive: Category: Educational Opportunities

Southside Hospital Helps People with Disabilities Get Mobile

November 19, 2014 | Educational Opportunities

Southside Hospital has teamed up with Bussani Mobility to train healthcare professionals in the latest automotive mobility options that help people…

New York Mobility Club Tackles Sexuality & Intimacy

August 27, 2014 | Educational Opportunities

August 27, 2014 (Mamaroneck, NY) – The New York Mobility Club (sponsored byBussani Mobility Team) is holding FREE events about…

August Mobility Club – Medicaid & Working with a Disability

August 8, 2013 | Company News

Abilities Expo NJ Happening Now

Abilities Expo New York Metro is now underway at the New Jersey Convention Center in Edison, NJ. It's everything you…

May 8th New York Mobility Club: “Home Modifications for Wheelchair Users”

On May 8 from 6-8pm, the New York Mobility Club is holding a FREE event for people with disabilities. Guest…

Never Alone With a Canine Companion

We learned all about the miracle of service dogs at the New York Mobility Club last night…and it was fascinating!…