– Special Financing Options: These programs include loans with extended terms, leasing packages, and more. At Bussani Mobility, we have long-standing relationships with banks and other financial institutions that understand the specialized components involved in buying an accessible vehicle.
– Veterans Administration: For qualified veterans, the Veteran’s Administration allocates funds for adaptive equipment.
– State Agencies: Every state has a Vocational Rehabilitation Program. These programs are designed to assist individuals with disabilities to remain or get back into the workforce, and they are state-funded. In some cases, they can help provide funding to make vehicle modifications.
– Mobility Rebate Programs: Mobility manufactures (including BraunAbility) and vehicle manufacturers (such as Chrysler, Ford, GM and Toyota) often offer rebate incentives for the purchase of a new vehicle that requires accessibility modification. Before purchasing a vehicle, be sure to talk to your dealer about rebate options available.
– Grants: There are several organizations that can provide information, support, and resources to individuals with specific disabilities. Reach out to your local chapter to see what information, resources, assistance, or guidance they have to offer.
– Fundraising: Social media has changed everything about how we communicate today. You’ll see people raising funds for their personal needs on sites like GoFundMe – including wheelchair accessible vehicles. The campaigns involve family, friends, neighbors, and the whole community. If you’re comfortable with it, you might even want to reach out to the local news and explain what you’re trying to do and ask if they would be interested in covering your story, helping to get your cause out there.
There are many options available for wheelchair van financing. Some require creative effort on your part. Be sure to talk to your mobility specialist at Bussani Mobility to discuss all of your options, so we can help you find the right wheelchair accessible van or SUV to fit your needs.